About Ray

email: rmahoney58@yahoo.com , new Guiyang tel: 187 9860 2861, also: 86-152 5582 4713, 86-136 7173 7017 . In China 18 years, Ray (55 years old) has also taught in Shanghai, Beijing, Shiyan (Hubei), Kuitun (Xinjiang), Lanzhou, Changchun and elsewhere. Was in China-related business in the 1980s and 90s, and in the NGO sector both as a volunteer and in full-time positions. Has also been to India and Pakistan. As of August 2013, Ray is in Guiyang, Guizhou province, to work in a private middle school there, the Guiyang American-Canadian International School 贵阳美加国际学校. A newly created Flickr site, "GoGuiyang," has photos and articles to help people new to Guiyang, like myself, settle in quickly. See the photos arranged into sets: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/sets/ Also active on Siwawa58 (where I dump my ESL materials), see: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98498293@N05/page1/?details=1, and I re-post material from Youtube (blocked in China) to Tudou and Youku, see: Youku "gelatiao58" http://www.soku.com/search_video/q_gelatiao58?f=1&kb=0412000000000__gelatiao58) and Tudou "gelatiao" http://www.soku.com/t/nisearch/gay%20men%20s%20chorus).

Guiyang churches 贵阳的教堂

 Guiyang churches 贵阳的教堂,   uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9962789736/


from top:  Catholic church in Qingyan Ancient Town, Guiyang South Catholic Church, Guiyang North Catholic Church, Liuchongguan Catholic Church 六冲关天主教堂 (on the grounds of the Guizhou Botanical Garden, northeast Guiyang), and the Guiyang Convent of Notre Dame of the Sacred Heart 圣母堂. [Note: Some confusion about the last two items.]   See Chinese description at: http://www.gzxmb.com/thread-227885-1-1.html   Photo of chapel uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/10050480644/, from L’oeil des Francais aux Guizhou 漂移的视线: 两个法国人眼中的贵州, ISBN 7-221-05444-4/K.572

Catholic churches in Guizhou  (from http://map.chinacath.org/default.asp?page=40 ):

2131、都匀市天主堂 (贵州省-都匀市) [详细]: 贵州省都匀市环东北路167号 (2012-3-10)
2129、雷家屯耶稣圣心堂 (贵州省-雷家屯) [详细]: 贵州省石阡县雷家屯 (2012-3-10)
2128、德江县天主堂 (贵州省-德江县) [详细]: 贵州省德江县中华街22-23号 (2012-3-10)
2124、镇宁天主堂 (贵州省-安顺市) [详细]: 贵州省镇宁布依族苗族自治县城关镇南街天主堂 (2012-1-26)
2121、花溪区圣若瑟天主堂 (贵州省-贵阳市) [详细]: 贵州省花溪区高坡镇苗族乡 (2012-3-10)
2120、清镇县天主堂 (贵州-) [详细]: 贵州省清镇县新华路260号 (2008-10-18)
2114、安龙天主堂 (贵州省-安龙) [详细]: 贵州省安龙县公园路7号 (2012-3-10)
2113、望谟天主堂 (贵州省-望谟县) [详细]: 贵州省望谟县 (2012-3-10)
2110、兴义市天主堂 (贵州省-兴义市) [详细]: 贵州兴义市老城街 (2012-3-10)
2109、花江天主堂 (贵州省-花江县) [详细]: 贵州省花江县 (2008-10-18)
2108、遵义市天主堂 (贵州-遵义市) [详细]: 贵州遵义市红花岗民主路元天宫巷4 号 (2012-3-10)
2107、桐梓天主堂 (贵州省-桐梓县) [详细]: 贵州省桐梓县 (2012-3-10)
2106、绥阳县天主堂 (贵州省-绥阳县) [详细]: 贵州省绥阳县 (2012-3-10)
2105、石阡县天主堂 (贵州省-石阡县) [详细]: 贵州省石阡县新华街546号 (2012-3-10)
2104、余庆天主堂 (贵州省-余庆县) [详细]: 贵州省余庆县 (2008-10-18)
2103、黄平天主堂 (贵州省-黄平县) [详细]: 贵州省黄平县旧州镇 (2012-3-10)
2102、铜仁县天主堂 (贵州省-铜仁县) [详细]: 贵州省铜仁县天主堂 (2012-3-10)
2101、六盘水市钟山区天主堂 (贵州省-六盘水市) [详细]: 贵州省六盘水市新桥路178号 (2010-12-3)
2100、露德圣母堂 (贵州省-贵定县黔南布依族苗族自治州) [详细]: 贵州省贵定县云务区犀头岩 (2010-2-9)
2099、贵阳新华路天主堂 (贵州省-贵阳市) [详细]: 贵阳市新华路兴隆街天主堂 (2012-3-5)
2097、麻池天主教堂 (内蒙古自治区-包头) [详细]: 包头火车站南麻池加油站东100米 (2013-2-14)
2096、惠水县德肋撒堂 (贵州省-黔南布依族苗族自治州) [详细]: 贵州省惠水县 (2010-2-9)
2095、青岩镇天主堂 (贵州省-) [详细]: 贵州省花溪区青岩镇 (2008-10-18)
2094、贵阳市圣若瑟主教座堂(北堂) (贵州省-贵阳市) [详细]: 贵州省贵阳市陕西路166号 (2012-3-21)


Guizhou Botanical Garden 贵州省植物园, Guiyang

Guizhou Botanical Garden 贵州省植物园, Guiyang.   See more photos at: dcbbs.zol.com.cn/133/232_1325094.html  , and the Baidu posting at:  baike.baidu.com/view/3475046.htm . Originally posted at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9961559945/

Visit to the Guiyang Mosque 贵阳的清真寺

This beautiful Islamic Mosque is in central Guiyang about a block and a half from  Penshuichi  (address: No. 35 Xiazhuangyuan Jie 夏状元街35号, in an alley near the intersection of Yan’an Road 延安路 and Hequn Road 合群路, around the corner to the north of Pizza Fun). A couple of halal restaurants are also in this alley.

The green domed structure with Islamic crescent moon and star on its top is a large new building in front of the original mosque built some 300 years ago.  Guiyang has about 10,000 Muslims.  Services on Friday afternoon are open to the general public.

Image above taken from a Flickr site “treasuresthouhast” by David and Jessie, see: http://www.flickr.com/photos/74568056@N00/3184326066/sizes/l/in/photostream/ .   This site has many other photos of Guizhou, see:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/74568056@N00/sets/72157612654417219/with/3184326066/    The Gallery below are additional photos taken by Ray in Sep 2013:

front of Guiyang mosque, originally posted at http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/muslim-china/guiyang-mosque.htm

photo of Guiyang’s mosque, apparently taken before renovations, originally posted at: http://www.ccoo.com.cn/lishi/610x.html

uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9962085815/

books with photos of old Guiyang, Guizhou Provincial Library, 5th fl.

books with photos of old Guiyang – Guizhou Provincial Library, Beijing Rd, Guiyang, 5th fl. Local Collections Reading Room, uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9837192235/in/photostream/

English corner at Guizhou Library, Saturdays, 2:30-4:30

English corner at Guizhou Library, Saturdays, 2:30-4:30 pm, Beijing Rd,4th fl., foreign language book collection room, uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9837581555/in/photostream/

English corner at Guizhou Library, Guiyang,Dec 2013 – incl Rajeev Kumar from India,cancer researcher at Guizhou medical university

English corner at Guizhou Library (Beijing Rd) – article in Guiyang Evening Post,Nov 29,2013

English corner in Qianling Park, Guiyang – about 2005, Camel (r) with English teacher from Africa

2005 article about Qianling Park English corner – Will it continue ? (lt reopened at the Guizhou Library)

photo of English corner, from its founder Camel, formerly in Guiyang’s Qianling Park, now at Guizhou Provincial Library

Guiyang architecture – former residence of Wang Beiqun 王伯群故居、虎峰别墅 , built 1917, near Kempenski Hotel

Guiyang architecture – former residence of Wang Beiqun  王伯群故居、虎峰别墅 , built 1917, near Kempenski Hotel , uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9838246163/in/photostream/



visit by foreign teachers to Hall of Confucius Study 孔学堂, Guiyang

September 2013 visit to Guiyang’s Hall of Confucius Study, in Huaxi district, by several of Guiyang’s foreign English teachers (from Boston, London, Kentucky, Michigan, the Ukraine, and Mexico), uploaded at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9836591845/

video with scenes of Guiyang and Aston English school 阿斯顿英语 Aston English 外教在中国——贵阳

Aston English 外教在中国——贵阳

video with scenes of Guiyang and Aston English school 阿斯顿英语

OK, OK, it’s a promo for Aston. But it shows scenes of Guiyang, Qianlin Park, and expat ESL teachers in a typical private conversational English school setting. Similar to what many English teachers here have

sign with song “Without the Communist Party there would be no new China,” China Dream series, at Qianling Park, Guiyang,Aug 2013

sign with song “Without the Communist Party there would be no new China,” China Dream series, at Qianling Park, Guiyang,Aug 2013

“Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China” (simplified Chinese: 没有共产党就没有新中国; traditional Chinese: 沒有共產黨就沒有新中國; pinyin: Méiyǒu Gòngchǎndǎng Jiù Méiyǒu Xīn Zhōngguó) is a popular Communist propaganda song in the People’s Republic of China, which originated in 1943 in response to the phrase “Without Kuomintang there would be no China”.     translation of lyrics:

Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China.
Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China.
The Communist Party toiled for the nation.
The Communist Party of one mind saved China
It pointed to the road of liberation for the people.
It led China towards the light.
It supported the War of Resistance for more than eight years.
It has improved people’s lives.
It built a base behind enemy lines.
It practiced democracy, bringing many advantages.
Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China.
Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China.   (from Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Without_the_Communist_Party,_There_Would_Be_No_New_China)  , hear song at:http://pinyin.azlyricdb.com/lyrics/J/Jun-ying-ge-qu-Mei-you-gong-chan-dang-jiu-mei-you-xin-zhong-guo-pinyin-lyrics-34726  , also see: english.cri.cn/4026/2008/08/22/63s397500.htm , video with song and collection of 1950-60s PRC images at: v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYxMTc1OTU2.html  , video of “Red Foreigner” / Honglaowai ( shirtless ! ) singing “Without the Communist Party there would be no new China”: v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE1MDcyMDA=.html