US Congress and China

An ancient Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.”

What about doing business in China. Here is food for thought:

U.S. trade with China has declined, even as Beijing deals with strains on its own economy.

US Congress on Business in China

I try to stay out of politics with the Toiurguizhou Web site. After ten years in business, this is the only “Dot Com” I know of that isn’t blocked.  Well this last post might be considered a little political, but desperate times call for desperate measures . . .


One of the best performers ever.

One of the best performers I ever saw in China was about 2004 in Guiyang.  Her concert was sold out and was supposed to start at 8pm. But first, the introductions:

There were a massive number of important party officials that needed to be introduced before the concert. I was impatient because I saw a storm moving in and there were about 10,000 people in the stadium, all waiting in anticipation. I thought it would be a huge storm and I thought we would get drenched. A good friend of mine was the translator.

The host read the life story of each official, maybe 20, and my friend translated. My friend was an excellent translator and said her translation for each official was about 10 or 20 words, when the Chinese version was 100 or 200 words for each person. When I teased her later about her abbreviated translations, she said: “Nobody cares about the introductions . . .” She was right. These introductions  went on a really long time, over a half an hour. Then the warm up band played a little while, and then Coco finally came on about 10 PM. There was a huge storm on 3 sides of the stadium and I had hoped it would pass.

Coco was fearless and came out as it started raining, and then the lightening. There was a lot of lightening. Finally a big lightening bolt hit nearby and took out a lot of lights. The complete sound system was burnt up. Oh well. I heard 15 minutes or so. It was another adventure finding my ride home, but that is another story.

Coco was a huge star. It is such a shame to lose her.