sign with song “Without the Communist Party there would be no new China,” China Dream series, at Qianling Park, Guiyang,Aug 2013

sign with song “Without the Communist Party there would be no new China,” China Dream series, at Qianling Park, Guiyang,Aug 2013

“Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China” (simplified Chinese: 没有共产党就没有新中国; traditional Chinese: 沒有共產黨就沒有新中國; pinyin: Méiyǒu Gòngchǎndǎng Jiù Méiyǒu Xīn Zhōngguó) is a popular Communist propaganda song in the People’s Republic of China, which originated in 1943 in response to the phrase “Without Kuomintang there would be no China”.     translation of lyrics:

Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China.
Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China.
The Communist Party toiled for the nation.
The Communist Party of one mind saved China
It pointed to the road of liberation for the people.
It led China towards the light.
It supported the War of Resistance for more than eight years.
It has improved people’s lives.
It built a base behind enemy lines.
It practiced democracy, bringing many advantages.
Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China.
Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China.   (from Wikipedia,,_There_Would_Be_No_New_China)  , hear song at:  , also see: , video with song and collection of 1950-60s PRC images at:  , video of “Red Foreigner” / Honglaowai ( shirtless ! ) singing “Without the Communist Party there would be no new China”: