Back to the old routine

I am falling back into my old routine with a new semester coming up.  I am sorry that I couldn’t meet with so many of my old friends in Traverse City, but I just didn’t have time.  I spent five weeks in Traverse City, but when I landed, I found that my old appraisal business was still generating work and I ended up doing five appraisals while I was there.

I am happy to be out of appraisal and back in China.  The rules in appraisals have changed drastically since I was active three years ago.  Also, I tried new software, which had a learning curve.  Finally I bought a new laptop with Windows 8 on it.  I hate Windows 8.  I am still looking for the Start Key.

Anyway, appraising took four of the five weeks and I had to get a few golf games in.  This left very little time for catching up with old friends.  I spent one evening with my sister in Detroit and one evening with my step-brother in Manistee. Stay tuned for my Manistee Hummies video, which will be online soon.