Oops. Camellia Oil 山茶油 is San Cha You

Recently in the article about Jin Ping and Longli, Ancient City, we referenced a new oil called San Cha You. I believe this is also Camellia Oil 山茶油. I thought it was just a cooking oil with some medical uses. In fact it isn’t that new. Here is an article about the medical benefits: Oil Video #1 . I honestly don’t know if this is the same stuff that I took pictures of, but it looks the same . . . Here’s another hype kind of video that is claimed to have beautfying traits: Oil Video #2.This young lady seems pretty good . . . Oil Video #3  I don’t endorse any of this stuff, but this oil seems to be part of a poverty alleviation program. 

This is really funny because I got one bottle which I used to fry my eggs with because I thought it was just an expensive vegetable oil. It was ok with eggs . . . Here is the original article . . . LongLi Ancient City