The Guizhou Library has a very nice collection of English books on the 4th floor Foreign Language 外文 section. Open every day.  This Saturday English corner there has been organized by 85 year old “Camel” for many years (his first English corner was at the Qianling Park).   Library cards that allow borrowing of books for one month are available with a 200 yuan deposit.

children’s collection at Guizhou Library, 1st fl, Beijing Rd, with Jack Porter (Guizhou Normal U. English teacher) , Oct 2013, posted at

Occasional story reading at the children’s section of the Guizhou Library (Beijing Road, next to the Guizhou Museum) by volunteer teachers on Saturday afternoons.


Cosmos, an African teacher of English in Guiyang, in the news

[ News story relates how several Guiyang traffic policewoman know how to speak English well, able to give directions to Cosmos, an expat English teacher here. ]

贵阳交警设双语岗 老外问路也能对答  2011-07-23 11:12 长城网

  “Thanks for your help,byebye。”22日下午2点半,在贵阳当外教的Cosmos向交际处的女交警询问喜来登酒店怎么走,在女交警用流利的英语为Cosmos指路后,Cosmos非常惊喜地表示感谢。Cosmos向记者表示,他没想到贵阳交警能用流利的英语为他指路,这让他很开心,觉得贵阳越来越吸引他。
关键词: 交警|双语岗|老外问路|贵阳

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