World Epidemic — Cell Phone Addiction

This is too true. While cell phones connect us, they also pull us apart. In a world where anybody can do business with anybody, isn’t it more likely that people will do business with you if they feel that you respect them?This is a talk by Simon Sinek, downloaded and transcribed from Youtube. Mr. Sinek often talks about how technology is ruining our lives.

Here are some tips:

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Cell Phone Addiction

We have a responsiblity as marketers to help our clients use technology to bring people together. We have  a responsiblity as companies to offer people who work in our companies a sense that we are helping them build their confidence, that we are helping them ovecome their addictions, (and) that we’re going to teach them patience.

I’m gonna  teach them how to build strong personal relationships. We don’t have a choice. We have a higher burden upon us and there’s so many little things that we can do. We are failing horribly at. It is so easy. Let me show you one.

Can I borrow someone’s phone please? Anyone? Thank you.

OK. There is a subconscious reaction to these devices when we use them. OK? What if I were to hold my phone in my hand while I’m talking to you.  I’m not checking it. It’s not buzzing. It’s not beeping. I’m not even. . . nothing. I’m just holding it. Do you feel at this moment that you are the most important thing to me right now? No you do not. Because there is a subconscious reaction we have to the device.  When it is out, it makes the people around us feel that they are less important.

So when we are walking down the halls in our offices and somebody says “Hey Boss. Can I ask you a question?” You go, “Sure. What’s on your mind?” We’ve just told them they aren’t that important. Or, we can go, “Sure. What’s on your mind?” And if you don’t have a pocket, find a shelf, put it on the shelf, come back and say “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

When we show up to a meeting, or a lunch, or a dinner, with our colleagues or our clients or our friends, or our families, and we put the phone on the table, we have announced to everyone in the room that they are not that important to us. And, by the way, putting the phone upside down is not more polite.

My favorite one is when the meeting or at a lunch with someone, that the phone will ring and the caller ID will pop up and they will go, “I’m not going to get it.”. Oh! So magnanimous! Oh, lucky to eat with you today. Or, they could just put the damn thing away. You can tell how addicted we are when somebody pulls out their phone when you are with them, how uncomfortable does that make us feel? You ae walking down the street with someone and they pull their phone out. We feel stupid, so what do we do? We pull our phones out.

We’re so addicted when somebody goes to the bathroom at dinner and: What? We have to sit there by ourselves and God forbid that we have to look around the room for five minutes. We pull our phones out. Meetings. Awful. What do we do when a meeting happens? Right. Everybody’s sitting there waiting for the meeting to start, “Bob’s running a few minutes late. Bob’s here. OK. Start the meeting.” Do you know when relationships are built? All that in between time. Thank you very much.




好。当我们使用它们时,会对这些设备产生潜意识的反应。好?如果我在和你说话的时候把手机拿在手里怎么办?我不是在检查它。这不是嗡嗡声。这不是哔哔声。我不是。 。 。没有。我只是拿着它。你现在感觉到你对我来说是最重要的事吗?你不可以。因为我们对设备有潜意识的反应。当它外出时,它会让我们周围的人觉得它们不那么重要。



