Movie Night

As an English Teacher at Guizhou Normal University, part of my responsibilities is to select movies for Monday night movie night.  In the past I have shown “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, “Hunt for Red October”, and “Casablanca”.  Until last Monday, the Sorcerer’s Apprentice had top billing, but I showed them “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter”, and my students were very impressed.

I surveyed the class prior to selecting the movie and the students, all 19 and 20 years old, chose vampire movies as the best, with historical and action movies as being second and third respectively.  The movie I selected featured Abraham Lincoln’s secret live as a vampire hunter.  It had all the stuff about Gettysburg Address, and so on, so it was a good history piece, but it also had a lot of axe work with Abe Lincoln using his “Silver” axe to kill vampires.  He used the axe like many action heroes in kungfu movies.  It was a perfect mix of action, history and vampires.